About This Case:
Effective school leaders actively cultivate, support, and develop other leaders within the organization, modeling trust, competency, and integrity in ways that positively impact and inspire growth in other potential leaders.
Effective school improvement refers to planned educational change that enhances student learning outcomes as well as the school’s capacity for managing change (Hopkins et al., 1994; Hoeben, 1998). Evaluative research, in order to be effective, can and should be collaborative (Ramsay & Clark, 1990). Successful schools use data to develop their school improvement plans and regularly monitor their progress toward goals, adjusting as needed.
Principals who share leadership in the development, implementation, and monitoring of their school improvement plans have more school-wide staff commitment to the plans (Frunzi, 2013).
This case provides details regarding the need to review and revise school improvement in a specific situation, but offers no solutions; learners will demonstrate proficiency in the given areas by responding to the questions following the case.