About This Case:
School leadership is second only to teaching in its impact on student learning. High-quality school leaders make a difference in promoting the learning of all students by setting directions, charting a clear course that everyone understands, establishing high expectations, and using data to track progress and performance (Leithwood, Seashore Louis, Anderson, & Wahlstrom, 2004). They do this by developing people, providing teachers and others in the system with the necessary support and training to succeed, and ensuring the entire range of conditions and incentives in districts and schools fully supports teaching and learning.
Research indicates there is a strong correlation between the use of effective professional learning communities (PLC’s) in schools and improved teacher learning and instruction, and student learning (Carroll, Fulton, & Doerr, 2010).
This case examines the use of PLC’s to address data analysis, and best practice strategies for teaching and assessment, with student learning as a priority. The case provides details regarding the situation but offers no solutions; learners will demonstrate proficiency in the given areas by responding to the questions following the case.
*Data for the student performance levels—novice, apprentice, proficient and distinguished—as presented in this case are provided for the content areas tested and are based on the Common Core Standards (Common Core State Standards initiative, 2011).