About This Case:
In our current educational landscape, leaders are expected to formulate and examine their own professional codes of ethics, as well as the standards set forth by the profession. Understanding that the profession consists of a variety of ethics (justice, critique, care, and profession to name a few) and being cognizant of them when making decisions as a leader is vital when attempting to lead with integrity and credibility (Marzano, 2005; Shapiro & Stefkovich, 2011).
As leaders apply such ethics, a professional paradigm is created that is dynamic, multidimensional and responsive to the complexities of being an educational leader in today’s society.
This case will provide learners with an opportunity to consider how to bring resolution to a situation involving a conflict of principles and the exploration of the value of care, trust, and relationship as characteristics of a school’s climate. The case provides details regarding the situation but offers no solutions; learners will demonstrate proficiency in the given areas by responding to the questions following the case.